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[Source: rdn-consulting]  

AI Future page


 AI Projects (Finished)

» Recommender systems: Random fields
» Ordinal choice modelling
» Advances in conditional random fields
» Advances in Restricted Boltzmann Machines
» Software analytics and automation 
» Advances in representation learning
» Understanding GANs
» Learning relational structures in time
» Advances in anomaly detection




Recommender systems: Random fields

This research project aims to develop a sophisticated recommender system that addresses the complex nature of user-service matching. By combining local dependency structures and latent space approaches through Markov Random Fields (MRFs), we will model multiple aspects including hidden patterns, contexts, social networks, and multi-domain relationships. The system will implement both user-specific and item-specific MRFs with shared parameters, while optimizing graph sparsity through correlation measures. The project will integrate diverse data sources including ratings, content features, and social information to improve recommendation accuracy and address the cold-start problem through a hybrid network approach.

Duration: 2007-2016

User network in movie data
User correlation network in movie data.

Ordinal choice modelling

This research project aims to develop a novel collaborative filtering system that properly addresses the ordinal nature of user ratings. Rather than treating ratings as numerical or categorical values, we will implement both McCullagh's grouped continuous model and the sequential decision approach to handle ordinal preferences. The project will investigate which approach better captures users' decision-making processes in rating items. Using Matrix Factorization, Markov Random Fields and ordinal Boltzmann Machines, we will develop models that account for the relative ordering of ratings while incorporating user-item interactions. The system will be evaluated on large-scale datasets to validate its effectiveness in recommendation tasks.

Duration: 2008-2016

Extreme value distribution
Extreme value distributions as a basic for hidden utility modelling of choice.

Advances in conditional random fields
This research project focuses on advancing Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) through theoretical developments and practical applications. The project will address three key aspects: i) feature selection for handling structured and partially observed data, ii) parameter estimation for efficient learning in complex networks, and iii) development of Hierarchical CRFs for modeling recursive sequential data. For Hierarchical CRFs we will implement polynomial-time algorithms based on Asymmetric Inside Outside methods for learning and inference, with particular attention to handling missing data and partial observations. The models are evaluated on a variety of real-world data including collaborativig filtering, sentence annotation and activity recognition.

Duration: 2004-2008

(a) Symmetric Markov blanket, and (b) Asymmetric Markov blanket
(a) Symmetric Markov blanket, and (b) Asymmetric Markov blanket.

Advances in Restricted Boltzmann Machines
This research project explores novel applications and extensions of Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs), a powerful probabilistic model that assigns density to multivariate data. Building on RBM's success in unsupervised deep learning, we will develop advanced variants to handle diverse data types, including binary, Gaussian, non-negative, and mixed-variable data. We will study the modelling over matrices and tensors, as well as introducing structural priors to embed knowledge into the models. We will implement applications in document modeling, medical object representation, anomaly detection, and patient profile modeling. The project will leverage RBM's bipartite structure and log-linear parameterization to create specialized models for face recognition, anomaly detection, image retrieval, and collaborative filtering. 

Duration: 2008-2016

Relational Dynamic Memory Network
Vector RBM (Left) and Tensor RBM (Right)

Software analytics and automation 
Software is eating the world. Automated software engineering helps improving software development with better risk estimation, lower cost and higher code quality. This project aims to develop a smart analytic engine for software ecosystems through deep learning and representation learning approaches. The project will focus on four key areas: defect/bug prediction, language modeling, energy consumption analysis, and recommender systems. We will create an institutional memory framework that captures software development traces across multiple levels, from issues to entire repositories. The system will implement end-to-end methodologies for code analysis, project management, and deployment monitoring. Key innovations include embedding SE artifacts, natural language processing for software documentation, and creating a programmer's smart assistant with continuous learning capabilities.

Duration: 2015-2019

Analogical reasoning for IQ-test questions
A neural architecture for software projects analytics and automation.

Advances in representation learning
This research project advances representation learning through two main objectives: developing novel deep neural networks for diverse data structures and advancing the theory of representation disentanglement. We will develop innovative architectures including matrix neural networks for efficient processing of matrix-structured data using factorized matrix-to-matrix mappings. For graphs, we will derive graph message-passing neural networks with hierarchical attention for drug repurposing and chemical reaction prediction. The project will also develop a new graph morphism representation that treats graph transformations as sequential decisions using Markov Decision Processes. Additionally, we will establish theoretical foundations for disentangled representations by introducing three information-theoretic concepts: informativeness, separability, and interpretability. These concepts will be used to create robust quantitative evaluation metrics and provide insights into disentanglement learning models.

Duration: 2017-2020

LLM-agent prompted with social priors

Matrix recurrent neural networks -- everything is a matrix.

Understanding GANs
This project investigates the theoretical foundations of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), focusing on their generalization capacity. Through novel analysis of GANs, the research will uncover the nature of catastrophic forgetting and gradient exploding as key issues affecting generalization and convergence. The project will introduce solutions including continual learning algorithms and regularisations. Additionally, it develops a new framework for evaluating generalization in generative models, introducing a robust metric based on the Minimum Description Length principle.

: 2017-2021

GAN as imagined by DALL.E 3

Project as imagined by DALL.E 3.

Learning relational and episodic structures in time

This project advances neural network architectures for modeling relational and episodic structures in temporal data. We consider multiple types of relations: (1) dyadic relations evolving over time, (2) higher-order relations hidden in multiple channels, (3) concept-linked, transductive relations between parallel processes across time and across processes, and (4) connections between static and dynamic modalities. We will also investigate the best ways to represent episodes, relations within and between episodes. To solve the challenges posed by these relational and episodic structures, we will develop matrix-native models, set-native models, message-passing recurrent graph networks, memory networks, analogical reasoning and modality fusion strategies. Downstream tasks include   anomaly detection, future prediction and classification in a variety of areas such as healthcare, EEG, traffic, and energy.
Duration: 2019-2023

memory-based neural network for medical records

A memory-based neural network for medical records, capturing temporal and analogical relations and episodic structures.

Advances in anomaly detection
This project develops novel anomaly detection methods for complex temporal and multivariate data. It introduces three key innovations: (1) a mixed-data anomaly detector using Restricted Boltzmann Machines that can handle both continuous and discrete attributes across multiple abstraction levels, (2) a matrix-native recurrent network for detecting anomalies in temporal multiway data through prediction and compression strategies, and (3) a message-passing encoder-decoder network that decouples and models interactions between global movement and local posture for human-centric video anomaly detection. The work demonstrates superior performance across synthetic data, ECG recordings, and surveillance videos.

Partners: Telstra, Australian Department of Defence

Duration: 2017-2021

Anomaly by skeleton dynamics

Anomaly in skeleton dynamics.