AI for drug discovery
(Source: GEN)







Machine Learning and Reasoning for Drug Discovery

A tutorial @ECML-PKDD 2021.

TL;DR: This tutorial reviews recent developments on drug discovery using machine learning methods.


A/Prof Truyen Tran
Truyen Tran

Dr Thin Nguyen
Thin Nguyen

Tri Nguyen
Tri Nguyen

Applied AI Institute, Deakin University

Slides | Videos

Powered by neural networks, modern machine learning has enjoyed great successes in data-intensive domains such as computer vision and languages where human can naturally perform well. Machine learning equipped with reasoning is now accelerating fields that traditionally require deep expertise such as physics, chemistry and biomedicine. This tutorial provides an overview of how machine learning and reasoning are speeding up and lowering the cost of drug discovery. This includes how machine learning can help in wide range of areas such as novel molecule identification, protein representation, drug-target binding, drug re-purposing, generative drug design, chemical reaction, retrosynthesis planning, drug-drug interaction, and safety assessment. We will also discuss relevant machine learning models for graph classification, molecular graph transformation, drug generation using deep generative models and reinforcement learning, and chemical reasoning.

Prerequisite: the tutorial assumes some familarity with deep learning.


The tutorial is broadly organised into three parts. Part A introduces the drug discovery pipeline from virtual in silico screening to wet lab experimentation to clinical trials. We will then explain how machine learning and reasoning play the role in each of the stage in the pipeline.

Part B focuses on representation learning of molecular structures and predicting biochemical properties given the structures. On representing drugs, we will cover traditional fingerprints, string representation and learning, graph representation and learning. On representing proteins, we will discuss recent unsupervised embedding techniques operating on the sequences and 2D structures. Then we talk about how drug and protein interact, and recent deep learning techniques to model and predict their binding. Part B ends with the topic of polypharmacy and predicting drug-drug interaction.

Part C covers the optimisation of molecular structures to meet desirable drug properties, and generative models for goal-directed exploration in the drug space. We also talk about the chain of synthesis of target drugs, including reaction prediction and retrosynthesis planing. Finally, we explain about reasoning in the domain knowledge graphs with applications to recommendation and drug repurposing.

How is this relevant to AI/ML/DM community?

Drug discovery is a scientific area of the most profound impact to humanity. The field is steadily moving from being knowledge-driven towards data-driven, where we now routinely screen hundreds of millions of potential drugs, and explore the astronomically large chemical space. Machine learning is making important contributions to the field, finding new drugs for previously undruggable targets. On the one hand, the current advances in deep learning coupled with big compute have opened up new opportunities to accelerate the drug discovery pipeline. On the other hand, the domain offers new challenges unseen before and this has motivated the development of new kinds of modelling techniques, especially in the area of graphs and geometric machine learning.

Existing related talks

  • Truyen Tran, “AI for drug discovery” (Slides | Video)., A invited talk @VietAI Summit, HCM City, Vietnam, Nov 2019 .


Part A: Introduction (30 mins)

  • Drug discovery pipeline
  • Machine learning tasks in drug discovery

Part B: Molecular representation and property prediction (90 mins)

  •  Molecular representation learning
    • Fingerprints
    • String representation
    • Graph representation
    • Self-supervised learning of molecules
  •  Molecular property prediction
    • Quantum chemistry
    • Graph regression and classification
    • Graph multitask learning
    • Explaining graph prediction
    • Data efficient drug discovery
  •   Protein representation learning
    • Embedding, BERT
    • 2D contact map
    • 3D structure
    • Protein folding
  •   Drug-target binding prediction
    • Multi-target prediction
    • Drug-protein binding as graph-graph interaction
    • Polypharmacy and drug-drug interaction.

Part C: Drug design & synthesis (90 mins)

  • Molecular optimisation
    • Bayesian optimisation in latent space
    • Goal-directed reinforcement learning
  • Generative molecular generation
    • Deep generative models for molecules
    • Recurrent models for molecules
  • Reasoning on biomedical knowledge graphs
    • Recommendation
    • Drug repurposing
  • Retrosynthesis
    • Chemical planning
    • Chemical reaction as graph morphism
  • Wrapping up & future


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