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From Deep Learning to Deep Reasoning
A tutorial @KDD 2021, August 14th (Virtual).

TL;DR: This tutorial reviews recent developments to extend the capacity of neural networks to “learning to reason” from data, where the task is to determine if the data entails a conclusion.


A/Prof Truyen Tran
A/Prof Truyen Tran

Dr Vuong Le
Dr Vuong Le

Dr Hung Le
Dr Hung Le

Dr Thao Le
Dr Thao Le

Applied AI Institute, Deakin University

Slides (Part A | Part B | Part C)

The rise of big data and big compute has brought modern neural networks to many walks of digital life, thanks to the relative ease of construction of large models that scale to the real world. Current successes of Transformers and self-supervised pretraining on massive data have led some to believe that deep neural networks will be able to do almost everything whenever we have data and computational resources. However, this might not be the case. While neural networks are fast to exploit surface statistics, they fail miserably to generalize to novel combinations. Current neural networks do not perform deliberate reasoning – the capacity to deliberately deduce new knowledge out of the contextualized data. This tutorial reviews recent developments to extend the capacity of neural networks to “learning to reason” from data, where the task is to determine if the data entails a conclusion. This capacity opens up new ways to generate insights from data through arbitrary querying using natural languages without the need of predefining a narrow set of tasks.

Prerequisite: the tutorial assumes some familarity with deep learning.


The tutorial consists of three main parts. Part A covers the learning-to-reason framework, explains how neural networks can serve as a strong backbone for reasoning through its natural operations such as binding, attention & dynamic computational graphs. We will also show how neural networks can learn to perform combinatoric algorithms. Part B goes into more details how neural networks perform reasoning over unstructured and structured data, and across multiple modalities. Reasoning over sets, relations, graphs and time will be explained. Part C reviews more advanced topics including neural nets with external memories, learning to reason with limited labels, and recursive reasoning with theory of mind. A special attention will be paid to neural memories as a fundamental mechanism to support reasoning over entities, relations, and even neural programs. Whenever possible, case-studies in text understanding and visual question answering will be presented.

Existing related talks


Part A: Learning to reason framework (60 mins)

  • Reasoning as a prediction skill that can be learnt from data.
    • Question answering as zero-shot learning.
  • Neural network operations for learning to reason:
    • Concept-object binding.
    • Attention & transformers.
    • Dynamic neural networks, conditional computation & differentiable programming.
  • Reasoning as iterative representation refinement & query-driven program synthesis and execution.
    • Compositional attention networks.
    • Neural module networks.
  • Combinatorics reasoning.

Part B: Reasoning over unstructured and structured data (60 mins)

  • Cross-modality reasoning, the case of vision-language integration.
  • Reasoning as set-set interaction.
    • Query processing.
    • Context processing.
    • Dual-attention.
    • Conditional set functions.
  • Relational reasoning
    • Relation networks
    • Graph neural networks
    • Graph embedding.
    • Graph convolutional networks.
    • Graph attention.
    • Message passing.
    • Query-conditioned dynamic graph constructions
    • Reasoning over knowledge graphs.
  •  Temporal reasoning
    • Video question answering.

Part C: Advanced topics (60 mins)

  • Reasoning with external memories
    • Memory of entities – memory-augmented neural networks
    • Memory of relations with tensors and graphs
    • Memory of programs & neural program construction.
  • Learning to reason with less labels:
    • Data augmentation with analogical and counterfactual examples
    • Question generation
    • Self-supervised learning for question answering
    • Learning with external knowledge graphs
  • Recursive reasoning with neural theory of mind.


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